Good Deal Tire, one of Calgary's leaders in tires, desired an online display of their strategy to drive customers to their shop.

To get Good Deal Tire ranked on the 1st page of google in less than one year without using any advertisements.
We studied our competition and find one keyword phrase that flew under all of their radars. As the business grew in popularity, we started competing with bigger companies by using popular keywords and have now surpassed many household tire shops in Calgary.
We’ve achieved a Click Through Rate (CTR) of 12.4% on our top query, which generated a number of over 2000 impressions in the first three months. Our top query now generates an average CTR of 29.7% and its average position sits at 1.5.
2% CTR
130K Impressions
2.55K Total Clicks
From The Client
“These guys have built such a strong relationship with our organization that we consider them an extension of our IT department. We always know that excellent service is just a phone call or e-mail away and that we will receive the same level of attention they always provide that makes us feel like we're their top priority.”